Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Here We Come!

For the first time T and I are hosting Thanksgiving for his family. I am super excited and super nervous for this. All day today we were preparing for the event. We went grocery shopping ( which is a whole other crazy experience ) and cleaned the house. When we got home we started preparing some of the food that could be done the night before: pickle wraps, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie. I think I purchased the hardest easiest pumpkin pie stuff. The crust and only the crust had to be covered with tin foil after the first 15 minutes. Sounds easy enough right? Not so easy. Both T and I were hovering over the hot oven trying to place tin foil on a very hot pie crust all the while trying not disturb the pumpkin filling. This was not working out so well for us every time we would get one piece of foil on another would fall off. So we decided to take them completely out of the oven. This definitely worked a lot better without the heat of the oven in our faces. After we finally got all the foil on T was trying to very carefully place them back into the oven and dropped one on the door to oven. I just thought this was so funny and T did not. After all this hoopla with the pies I sure hope the pumpkin pie that made it is sure delicious and worth the struggle!!! I love holidays they are always full of fun and unexpected disasters!

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